Advanced Infrared Technology

Preliminary Program

This is the preliminary program; time schedule may be subject to modifications.

The detailed session program is available here



DAY 0: Sunday 10th September

DAY 1: Monday 11th September

DAY 2: Tuesday 12th September

DAY 3: Wednesday 13th September



The detailed program of social events is available here



A plenary lecture will be held on Monday by Professor Alessandro De Angelis. The title of the plenary lecture is The role of light from Galileo’s Starry Messenger to modern measurement in infrared astronomy.

Graduated from the University of Padua, Alessandro De Angelis is professor in Experimental Physics in Padua and at IST Lisboa. His research interests range from general physics to high energy astrophysics. After seven years spent at CERN, Geneva, in the 1990s, he has conceived and implemented with NASA and the Max-Planck Institute in Munich essential experiments for the detection of cosmic photons of high energy. Since 2022 he his scientific counsellor for the permanent delegation of Italy to the International Organizations, and represents Italy in the Bureau International de Poids et Mesures in Paris. De Angelis has published numerous scientific articles and textbooks on Astroparticle Physics, and three popular books on Galilei and the history of science in the Renaissance. He is a member of the Accademia Galileiana.